
“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”

Gloria Samadhi ♥

Executive and Leadership Coach/Meditationteacher and therapist/Pioneer in the fields of human possibility and consciousness open for people and cultures diversity.
I believe there is only one business on Planet Earth – making someosomeone’s life better. To the degree you do that is the degree the success you will have.
(((( ♥ ))))


  • Executive Master of Business Administration for Communication and Leadership, Technical University Munich
  • International Management, Interculture Communication, Tsinghua University Beijing, China
  • Entrepreneurship and Generalmanagement International by Prof. Ken Morse, MIT Sloan Management Boston
  • Personal Leadership and Effective Employee Leadership, LMI Leadership Management International
  • Millennial-Programm “Making of a Champion”, LMI Leadership Management International
  • MBTI, INSIGHTS, Assess Consultant
  • NLP Master, NLP Coach, NLP Trainer by Dr. Gundl Kutschera, Vienna
  • Trauma therapy SE by Dr. Peter A. Levin
  • Polarity therapy by Dr. Jim Feil
  • Meditation teacher by Thich Nhat Hanh and OSHO
  • Pioneer in the fields of human possibility and consciousness