
Since I was a little girl, I like to read a lot. During the summer holidays I have ‘bing-read’ at least one book per week.

And it was not just ‘any book’. Books have a purpose and they include messages or give me the foundation for my scientific work and research. So I am eager to hold the next book in my hands soon.


Here is a selection of my favorite books

covey_7 wege der effektivität_177 covey_speed to trust_177 hanson_brain change_177 siegel_mindsight_177germer_path self-compassion_177  goleman_dalai lama world vision_177 heller_trauma healing_177 kabat-zinn_full catastrophe living_177 marturano_mindful_177 tolle_power of now_177 krishnamurti_meeting life_177 almaas_diamond heart_177 levine_unspoken word_177 tracy_goals_177
